Ron Paul Alert. Action needed.
See here.
Analysis here.
Yes, Sorifice is an amalgam of Sore and Orifice. Stop sending emails.
Posted by
9:19 PM
Filed under: cnn, michael moore, sicko sorifice, situation room, video, wolf blitzer, youtube
I'm not sure if Florida votes should even count anymore after the Bush debacle, but nonetheless, this if funny.
Mission De-Accomplished. The Bush Legacy.
"Ron Paul Rocks"
It just so happens that I ran into a fellah today who's a dj on my local college radio station. Well, I asked him if he'd heard of Ron Paul and he hadn't. To make a long story short, I bent his ear a bit and he agreed to mention Ron Paul on the radio tonight. He's a good guy and a freedom loving individual, which is why I approached him in the first place, so I was thinking I'd give a shout out to him on the blogosphere and encourage any other Ron Paul fans out there to call in and tell him what you think.
The Radio Station is WLFR FM at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
The Radio Show is The Beat The Devil Show.
The Radio Host is Bobby Nomore and he's going on at 8PM EST Tonight and you can call in to the show to voice your support for Ron Paul at (609) 652 4917.
You can listen to the streaming broadcast here.
Check it out and give them a call... Real Rock and Roll anymore is as rare as honest politicians like Ron Paul.
Posted by
5:26 PM
Filed under: beat the devil, mp3, radio, rock and roll, ron paul, streaming, wlfr
Ron Paul celebrates "Go Skateboarding Day"
Vote for an end to income taxs. Vote for an end to the IRS. Vote for an end to the war. Vote to save the Constitution. Vote for Congressman Ron Paul.
Posted by
3:50 PM
Filed under: go skate day, go skateboarding day, photoshop, ron paul, skateboarding, tony hawk
"Pizza the Hut"
Word on the grapevine is that Michael Moore is allowing the distrubution of free copies of his latest film 'sicko' via the internet. I've only heard of such an approach before from Alex Jones. Anyway, until I hear otherise, I thought I'd link to torrents of the file.
I'm no fan of Michael Moore's, in fact I consider him a Left Gatekeeper. However, as with all gatekeepers, there is some truth behind his agenda. This alone makes the film worth watching. I'll post a full review later, for now though I'll simply leave it up to the viewer.
The Pirate Bay
All the same version. Fairly high quality DVD Screener.
Don't forget to vote in the presidential straw poll on the left. We're trying to crush Facebook in voter turn out!
Posted by
4:03 AM
Filed under: download, michael moore, sicko, torrent, video
It's the latest craze in the geek world. Get yours today. Be cool or be left out.
Running low on ammo? Try this...
And for the discriminating nerd... the pro gold deluxe model...
Posted by
2:19 AM
Filed under: usb, usb missile launcher, usb rocket launcher
Posted by
4:44 PM
Filed under: 2008 election, blowback, magneto, ron paul, rudy giuliani
Yep, I stink at photoshop, mail me a better one and I'll post it.
I'm tired of hearing this from idiots who can't be bothered to check anything out for themselves. Here's just a few events marked on a global temperature variation chart... there's plenty more, likely nearly every variation can be charted and connected to man made causes (such as wars) or natural causes (such as volcanoes), but what should be blazingly obvious to anyone is the undeniable fact that humans do indeed effect the environment, and rather profoundly at that.
Yes, it's a quick and dirty photoshop job... I hate using it. Perhaps sometime I'll make a better chart with more events, but this really should be enough to make the point.
Some noteworthy dips in temperature... the Tunguska event in 1908 which apparently threw a lot of dust into the atmosphere, causing a cooling period... this can also be seen on a smaller scale when Mount Saint Hellens errupted in 1980. These hardly compare to the obvious temperature drop after World War II, which most likely had a dual cause in the end of the massive amounts of frenetic activity during the war as well as atmospheric dust caused by the dropping of the atomic bombs.
As per thelicense, picture from Global Warming Art. Original found here.
The nation breaths a sigh of relief as the dictator steps down. Today, as an april fools day joke, President Bush resigned, but to his befuddlement it was actually binding. Flustered and upset, the former president swiftly made his way to Paraguay. In his wake, Bush leaves a crashing economy due to overspending, a gutted constitution and global hatred for Americans. The people wish him a fond farewell.
WTF? Whats with the clowns continuously submitting duplicates? Same fuckers, over and over again. Cripes! We hate you. DIE!
And btw.. everyone who says 'I know this will be dugg down' or 'I know this will be burried' - no shit, that's because you're a moron and asking to be dug down. End the stupidity now.
In other Digg news... this Monday is digg down littlegreenfootballs day. Spend your lunch hour pushing down the mouth breather agenda.
Next week: Conspiracy folk.
I'm just curious. It's been a reallllllly long time since I've spoken to anyone from that old german chat in the good ole x.25 days. Surely someone's still around ... most everyone I knew got arrested or went legit and never looked back. So WTF, statute of limitations is up... anyone wanna rehash old times?